Home Chevrolet History Corvette America's Star-Spangled Sports Car

Auto & Design - July / August 2014

What makes this volume unique is not just the meticulous attention paid by the author to narrating the facts, but the depth he goes into when describing the success of America's favourite sports car.

Karl Ludvigsen tells us the story of the Corvette's design, its structural engineering, strength and performance through fantastic colour shots of every racing model produced.

Review from and courtesy of Auto & Design - July / August 2014

Karl Ludvigsen
Karl Ludvigsen

In addition to his motor industry activities as an executive (with GM, Fiat and Ford) and head of a consulting company, Karl Ludvigsen has been active for over 50 years as an author and historian. As an author, co-author or editor he has some four dozen books to his credit. Needless to say, they are all about cars and the motor industry, Karl's life-long passion.

More about Karl Ludvigsen